Indigenous Adult Education Network News
Welcome Message
As I write this welcome message the sun is shining and the snow is melting – we are heading into Spring, a time for renewal and growing energy! This is evident in the growing number of opportunities for connection at upcoming events and consultations.
At the same time, we didn’t all spend the winter months hibernating, as you’ll read about in our teacher and centre highlights section. And, as always, there is a new poster related to teaching and learning waiting for you at the bottom of the page.
Nia:wen, Welàlin, Tshinaskumitin, Migwetc, Merci, Thank you
If you have something to share in the newsletter – please reach out to Tracy or share it at a monthly network meeting so we can make sure to include it in an upcoming issue.
Centre Highlights
Sharing some Good News Stories!
There is so much good happening in our centres and communities – let’s take some time to celebrate it!
Last month, we sent out a call for images to create a short photo story of recent events and activities. Here are the first of those and we’re looking forward to sharing more in the future!
Please forward your pictures, along with a short description of the event or activity, to Tracy so we can share them in upcoming newsletters!

News from our Partners
⭐NEW⭐ Learning situations SVI-3016 Choosing a Profession
Since 2020, thanks to the Canada-Quebec Agreement, the TRÉAQ has produced videos and adapted learning situations in collaboration with Indigenous organizations (Cree School Service Centre, Huron Wendat CDFM, Kativik School Service Centre, FNAESC) to support teachers and professionals offering the Socio-Vocational Integration (SVI) program in Indigenous general adult education centres.
More specifically, the learning situations presented as part of the SVI-3016 Choosing a profession course have been adapted by the Huron Wendat CDFM from material developed by the Lac-Saint-Jean School Service Centre.
Each course includes the student’s workbook and the teacher’s workbook.
This new material as well as material distributed last year can be found in the Members’ Area of the TREAQ.ca website. If you are not registered, click on the following link to complete your registration: Become a member.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who collaborated in the adaptation of the material as part of this agreement. We hope you find it helpful.
Équipe-Choc & RÉCIT
The équipe-choc & RÉCIT for First Nations and Inuit have been continuing their focus on Digital-Pedagogical Sequences for Commitment to Success (CST) courses.
Visit the Digital-ped sequences website to see what they have been working on with their collaborators and please contact them if you would like to join in the creation of new sequences to share with others.
Julie and Joanne are available to support your needs in pedagogy and integration of technology. They will be presenting conversation-based sessions at upcoming AQIFGA, and TRÉAQ conferences in collaboration with their partners. Contact them to find out more!

Consultations & Conferences
The Educational Success of Indigenous Students – Invitation to the online consultation
(This is an excerpt from the invitation. Read more information here.)
“The Ministère de l’Éducation (MEQ) and the Provincial Round Table on the Educational Success of Indigenous Students (Round Table) invite you to join them on April 12 and 14 to continue the work done to date and to place the success of Indigenous students at the heart of educational environments that reflect the diverse realities of First Nations and Inuit peoples.
Dates and registration
Two consultation sessions will be held online on the following dates:
- Wednesday, April 12 ─ from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
- To register:
- Friday, April 14 ─ from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
- To register:
Representatives from your organization can participate in one or both events if you wish.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided both in English and in French.
We are counting on you to extend this invitation to the people in your organization whom you believe to be the most appropriate, as well as to parents’ committees and rehabilitation centres for young people with adjustment problems.“
Public Consultations on revitalization and promotion of Indigenous languages and linguistic heritage
(This is an excerpt from the invitation. Read more information here.)
“Ian Lafrenière, Minister Responsible for Relations with the First Nations and the Inuit, invites you to public consultations:
- The morning of May 1 in Val-d’Or (Hôtel Forestel).
- The morning of May 12 in Sept-Îles (Centre des congrès de Sept-Îles).
- A full day on May 26 in Montréal (Hotel Bonaventure Montreal), with a conference on revitalizing and promoting Indigenous languages featuring specialists and knowledge holders (programming for this conference will be announced over the next few weeks).
- Finally, my team and I will be in Kuujjuaq on June 16 to speak with representatives and members of the Inuit nation.“
April 27 – 28 – AQIFGA Annual Conference

This year’s AQIFGA conference will be hosted by the Centres de services scolaires du Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean. Visit the conference website for more information and to register.
May 12 – Quebec Social Integration Network Conference

Save the date! The first annual Quebec SI conference is in the works for May 12 – it is open to all staff involved in Social Integration and Social Vocational Integration programs. It will be held online – more information will follow!
**Note – this is an English School Boards initiative and so the activities will be in English for the most part. Anyone is invited to participate, as long as you are comfortable communicating in English and you work in Social Integration!
Monthly Gift!
Poster Series
This is part of a growing series of small posters to honour teachers & learning. Here is a folder of the images with and without the FNAESC logo. Feel free to use them and add your own logo if you like. The images used are all from pixabay.com, unless otherwise noted, and are in the public domain.
This month’s poster has to do with focusing our energies.

Stay Connected
No matter where you choose to connect, you will still stay in the loop!
Join the Indigenous Adult Education Network Facebook Group here
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Want to check out past newsletters? You can always find them on the homepage!

Nia:wen, Welàlin, Tshinaskumitin, Migwetc, Merci, Thank you
For questions, comments, or ideas for future newsletters, please contact us here!