Indigenous Adult Education Network News
Welcome Message
The fiddleheads are quickly unfurling as we seem to have skipped over spring and jumped straight into summer in some of our regions!
And with that, comes thoughts of the end of the school year as well as plans for the next one.
At our last meeting we shared ideas for thinking forward – from the development of new programs to thinking about how we can support each other as we do so.
And that is the beauty of this network. Each month we come together and share how we are doing and what we are working on and how we can support each other through all of that. Fiddleheads are amongst the first source of nutrients in the spring, they provide us with strength through those nutrients just like our network does through each of us.
Nia:wen, Welà lin, Tshinaskumitin, Migwetc, Merci, Thank you
Resources for centres
Poster Series
This is part of a growing series of small posters to honour teachers. Here is a folder of the images with and without the FNAESC logo. Feel free to use them and add your own logo if you like. The images used are all from pixabay.com, unless otherwise noted, and are in the public domain.

Proposed Balance Health Curriculum
At our last network meeting, Tracy presented a proposed curriculum for Balanced Health. This project was initially developed by Diane Labelle and they are now working together to bring it online. It is a collection of courses that add up to four Secondary 4 and 5 credits around different health topics embedded within Indigenous perspectives and teachings.
It is currently in English only but plans are to develop it in French as well.

Please note, it will be a work in progress for a while as we continue to add resources and test the courses out with students.
We are sharing it because we think it could be helpful and appropriate for learners in different communities. We are also actively seeking out resources that represent the different nations and communities in our network and beyond. If you have resources that you feel would work well with this curriculum, please contact Tracy and we can work together to ensure they are well integrated into the course structure.
Thank you to those who have already shared some resources!
Finally, please let us know if you use some or all of this curriculum. We’d love to hear how it goes!
Student Resource Kit – Social/Vocational Integration
On May 18, SVI, SI, & VT teachers and consultants gathered to begin creating a student resource kit for their students entering the world of work and volunteering.
You can see some of what they shared by visiting the project website, where you will find a variety of helpful resources. It was a great turnout and I am sure that this is a project to keep an eye on.

Some resources from AQIFGA 2022
An Ang Placement Test to Honour SEL & Culturally Responsive Education – presented by Rachel Thorne (Kativik Ilisarniliriniq)
Rachel presented the process they used at Kativik Ilisarniliriniq for creating placement tests tailored to the realities of learners starting ANG courses in the centres. The placement test she shared in the workshop can be adapted to different nations and communities. I think the process can be adapted to different courses as well.
Google Sites + Classroom – presented by Jean-Simon Gardiner and Christian Lamoureux (Centre St Louis, CSS la capitale)
Many of us use Google Classroom to share course material with our students and colleagues but Classroom can be difficult to navigate at times and, well, it just isn’t pretty. This workshop presented how one teacher combined Classroom and Sites to make his course easier to navigate (and prettier 🙂 ) while still using Classroom for keeping track of student work.
The course is offered in French only. If you want to see an example of a course offered via Sites and Classroom in English, there is Social Media and ME from Caroline Mueller (Kativik Ilisarniliriniq), who was teaching at an adult ed centre when she developed it for her students. There are so many options when you combine Sites and Classroom!
Head over heels for H5P – presented by Joanne Salvagio (RECIT, Adult General Education)
H5P is a tool we can use to create interactive course content – think online quizzes, interactive videos, learning games, and more. It can be a fun way to bring more interactivity to your online lessons. Note – not all of the H5P modules are accessible to all users (depending on if they use a screen reader or not) but many of them are.
This website is a step-by-step introduction to using H5P for the first time and creating your own content. The materials are all bilingual, too.
News from our Partners
Récit + Équipe-Choc
Commitment to Success (CST) project
The Équipe-Choc for First Nations and Inuit will be presenting a workshop at TRÉAQ on June 1 and June 2 called Maximize the potential of CST courses by building a digital pedagogical sequence (loose translation). The workshop will be in French only. If the project interests you, please contact the Équipe-choc and they can work on it in English with you.

Do you know about these newsletters?
Pedagogical Équipe-Choc
Carrefour FGA
University of Sherbrooke
Favouring vocational training in an Indigenous context
Back in March, Jo Anni Joncas and Xavier-Michel Grisé from the University of Sherbrooke presented a project they are doing in collaboration with the FNAESC and PROCEDE: Favouring vocational training in an Indigenous context.
The project presentation is now available to share widely.
News from the TRÉAQ
In collaboration with the Cree School Board, the Huron-Wendat Training and Manpower Development Centre and the Kativik School Board, the Organizational Team of the TRÉAQ worked on the development of a toolkit to support AGE administrators.
To view these documents, you must access our Member section on our website. Among other things, you will find:
- A sample personnel guide
- A checklist for new administrators
- Sample standards and procedures
- And more!
We sincerely believe that these summary documents, available in French and English, will support management teams in their many daily tasks.
Of course, we are always available to offer customized coaching to provide additional explanations and contextualize service utilization.
Finally, we are pleased to present an inspiring practice on a collaboration between the CRÉA Kitci Amik (Regional Adult Education Centre) and the Centre de formation professionnelle Harricana (Harricana Vocational Training Centre) to support the success of Indigenous students. This video is only available in French.
We hope that these developments will be useful, and we remain available to assist you if needed. If you do not have the access codes for our Member Area, contact us at infofga@treaq.ca.
Don’t forget the TRÉAQ in-person conference on June 1st or June 2nd (attendance will be limited to 250 people each day). Find out more here (information available only in French)

Stay Connected
No matter where you choose to connect, you will still stay in the loop!
Join the Indigenous Adult Education Network Facebook Group here
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Nia:wen, Welà lin, Tshinaskumitin, Migwetc, Merci, Thank you
For questions, comments, or ideas for future newsletters, please contact us here!